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Postpartum Peri-care Kit for Home

Writer: Lisa Grossman, RN, IBCLCLisa Grossman, RN, IBCLC

If you are preparing for the arrival of your little one, here are some items that may be helpful to have waiting for you at home when you return from the hospital.

I'm currently 37 weeks pregnant and preparing for baby's arrival every day (also called "Nesting")!

Preparing for baby's arrival also means preparing for my recovery after delivery. Don't forget about YOU. Your body goes through many changes during pregnancy and after delivery. As a RN who used to work on the Mother/Baby Unit and a third time mom, I am well-versed in the area of Peri-care.

Here is a list of some Peri-care items you may want to have waiting at home when you return from the hospital. Keep in mind that the hospital will supply you with most of the items you will need during your hospital stay.

  • Postpartum panties (you will want full coverage underwear)

  • Pads (heavy, medium and/or light, your bleeding will be the heaviest immediately following delivery and taper over time)

  • Depends (some prefer Depends or disposable incontinence undergarments over panties + pads as they are disposable and easier to put on and remove)

  • Peri Bottle (this allows for cleansing of the perineum by using a spray bottle and is less irritating if you have sutures, swelling or irritation down below)

  • Dermoplast spray (this should be provided by the hospital but you may want to have extra at home; Deromplast spray is a topical "pain" spray that can be used before urinating to decrease discomfort/burning and again after using the Peri Bottle)

  • Padsicles (the hospital will provide you with ice packs but you may want to have a few ready-to-go at home, especially if you have a painful tear, swelling and/or hemorrhoids; to make a Padsicle simply add a little water to a heavy pad or diaper until it's wet but not saturated or else it may leak and won't absorb postpartum bleeding, some people like to then add either witch hazel [for inflammation, itching, pain relief] and/or pure aloe vera [to provide a soothing effect], you may want to wrap the Padsicle in foil, wax paper wrap and/or a freezer bag and then freeze)

  • Medications (your doctor will write for any prescription medications that are needed such as prescription strength Motrin 600 - 800 mg, pain medications, stool softeners, Ferrous Sulfate/iron, etc.; however, I like to have OTC medications such as MiraLax, Sunflower Lecithin, Colace [can be purchased OTC], Motrin 200 mg at home

  • Abdominal/Pelvic Floor Support (contact a Pelvic Floor PT to determine what compression and/or supportive garments may be the right fit for you, especially if you are having a cesarean section or were diagnosed with pelvic floor dysfunction or injury during your pregnancy or resulting from delivery)

Feel free to reach out to me with any questions you may have!


Lisa Grossman, BSN, RN, PHN, IBCLC, CLC, CLEC, AHA-CPR Instructor

Owner, South Bay Baby Care Nursing Services, Inc.

**This blog post is meant to serve as an introduction to postpartum care and peri-care supplies and should not be used to diagnose or treat any medical conditions.


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