South Bay Baby Care Nursing Services, INC
by Lisa Grossman, RN, IBCLC
After Baby & Infant Feeding
In home & virtual baby care + breastfeeding, lactation & infant feeding consultations

The After Baby Consultation is tailored to meet your needs! This private in-home consultation focuses on infant feeding (breast/chest-feeding, lactation, pumping, bottle-feeding, alternative feeding methods, and supplementation) and baby care.
This is your journey and my goal is to meet you where you are by creating a plan of care that works for you and your baby. Every family is different and I am here to support you in meeting your own goal. I find that this often includes being flexible with our plan of care. There is no "one size fits all" when it comes to feeding your baby and I am here to help you figure out what works best for you, your baby and your family!
You will receive a folder with printed information about lactation and infant feeding to keep. I also provide a detailed assessment and summary form that includes recommendations discussed during your consultation that are personal to you, your baby and your family.
After Baby / Lactation Consultations include:
Lactation services: Comfortable positioning for you + baby, latch-on technique, assessment of latch, education regarding prevention and treatment of sore and/or injured nipples, plugged ducts and transient or recurrent mastitis, anatomic and functional oral assessment, tongue and lip tie (lingual and labial ankyloglossia) assessment, suck training and latch-on assistance post-frenectomy (lip/tongue tie release), how to manage over supply, strategies to increase breastmilk supply, implementation of breastfeeding interventions as needed (i.e. breast shells, Haakaa, SNS, breast pump (including personal flange sizing), nipple shields [instruction and weaning], etc.).
Weighing baby: Weight checks as well as pre/post-feeding weights (to determine how much your baby transferred during the feeding) using a specialty infant scale.
Pumping services: Including setup, instructions regarding settings and first use, flange sizing, and sanitizing of pump parts & bottles.
Guidelines regarding storage and preparation of expressed milk
Baby care education
Baby care services: Bathing, diapering, calming and soothing baby, burping, gas relief, umbilical cord & circumcision care, sleep routine advice, sleep safety, infant safety guidelines, understanding jaundice, bottle-feeding and any additional care that you would like provided.
Bottle-feeding services: When and how to introduce a bottle to your baby, feeding and pumping frequency, bottle-feeding methods, education regarding different bottle types currently available on the market, sample bottles to assess and determine which work best for your baby before purchasing bottle-feeding systems.
Preparation for returning to work & how to manage pumping
Any particular topic(s) that you would like to discuss… this is your session! If there are additional topics or care services that you would like provided we will focus on these areas. This session can solely be used for lactation services if preferred.
Duration: 60 - 120 minutes (additional time/hours or sessions available for purchase)
Lactation & Infant Feeding Phone & Telehealth Consultations
Certain breastfeeding, chest feeding, lactation and infant feeding inquiries may be addressed over the phone or via a virtual telehealth consultation. I offer 30+ minute phone and virtual telehealth consultations when an in-home visit may not be necessary. Please contact lisa@southbaybabycare.com for more information.
Phone and virtual telehealth consults may cover the following topics and more:
1) Preparation for returning to work & creation of a personal pumping and feeding schedule
2) Concerns regarding breast milk supply and/or production (i.e. low milk supply, oversupply)
3) Management of an Overactive Milk Ejection Reflex (OMER) (fast milk letdown)
4) Bottle-feeding (refusal, disinterest, aversion and introduction)
5) Nursing strikes (refusal to breastfeed)
6) Personalized plan for weaning
7) Management of transient and recurrent lactation-related pathology (i.e. engorgement, plugged ducts, milk blebs/blisters)
8) Personalized plan for exclusive pumping
9) Breast pump usage and flange sizing (function, frequency, milk storage guidelines and video assessment of flange fit/size)
10) Establishment of personalized infant sleep routines and daily schedules
11) Starting solids (safety, mild versus severe airway obstructions, feeding suggestions, continuation of breastfeeding)
12) Lactation and sleep routine combination consults (click here for more information)
13) General lactation and infant feeding related questions such as how to safely and properly store expressed human milk, how to safely rewarm milk, cleaning procedures for pump and bottle parts, how many wet/dirty diapers baby should be having daily, age-appropriate introduction of solid foods, how to safely introduce solid foods and how to manage lactation once baby starts consuming solids, etc.
To schedule a Lactation Consultation or After Baby session, please email lactation@southbaybabycare.com.
I will respond to your message as soon as possible. Please include the following:
1) Your first name
2) Baby's age
3) Concern(s)
4) Location
5) Availability & urgency (*if your message is urgent please note this in the subject line)
6) If you were referred by a Pediatrician, Doctor, Dentist or other medical professional
7) Any additional pertinent information
Payment options and insurance:
PPO insurance or UHC HMO - please use the following link to check insurance eligibility for pre-approval:
Cigna insurance - please use the following link to check insurance eligibility for pre-approval:
Please read on for additional information.
PPO Insurance + United HealthCare (UHC) HMO with pre-approval from The Lactation Network (TLN)
South Bay Baby Care utilizes The Lactation Network (TLN) to provide insurance-covered lactation & infant feeding services. If you have UHC HMO or PPO insurance through one of the following insurance carriers you may qualify for a minimum of 6 insurance-covered In-home and/or Telehealth Lactation Consultations!
PPO insurance carriers: Blue Cross Blue Shield, Anthem, United HealthCare (UHC), Humana, Provider Network of America (PNOA) and MultiPlan (MultiPlan contracts with multiple PPO providers such as Aetna, Blue Shield and more). Look for the MultiPlan logo on your insurance card to determine if you may be eligible.
To determine if your insurance qualifies, please use this link or scan the QR code (desktop only):
Once pre-approved your appointment may be scheduled.
If your insurance is denied you have the option to schedule your appointment as a self-pay patient (see below).
Initial consultations are 75 minutes in duration. Any follow-up concerns can be addressed via a follow-up in home and/or telehealth consultation.
A convenience fee will apply for in-home consultations to cover travel time and costs that are not covered by insurance.
Please contact lactation@southbaybabycare.com for more information related to services.
Any questions related to insurance should be addressed with TLN at care@tln.care.
Cigna Insurance
South Bay Baby Care utilizes Wildflower to provide insurance-covered lactation & infant feeding services for patients with Cigna insurance.
If you have Cigna insurance you may qualify for 6 insurance-covered In-home and/or Telehealth Lactation Consultations!
To determine if your Cigna policy qualifies, please use this link or scan the QR code (desktop only):
Once pre-approved your appointment may be scheduled.
If your insurance is denied you have the option to schedule your appointment as a self-pay patient (see below).
Cigna consultations are 60 minutes in duration. Any follow-up concerns can be addressed via a follow-up in home and/or telehealth consultation.
A travel fee will apply for in-home consultations to cover travel time and costs that are not covered by insurance.
Please contact lactation@southbaybabycare.com for more information related to services.
Self-pay + Superbill
For patients that do not qualify for coverage through TLN, I offer self-pay services that may be insurance reimbursable. I am a CMS recognized provider and I have CPT and ICD-10 codes for RN & IBCLC services provided for educational and care services related to newborn care and breastfeeding, lactation and infant feeding visits. Upon request, I will supply a superbill once your services have been paid in full. The superbill can be submitted to your insurance , HSA or FSA to request reimbursement. South Bay Baby Care is out-of-network with all insurance providers. I cannot guarantee insurance, HSA or FSA reimbursement. If your insurance company, HSA or FSA denies payment I am happy to update codes as needed and/or provide an appeal letter to be submitted. Service fees are due at the time that services are rendered for cash-pay patients. A travel fee may apply depending upon where you are located and mileage/commute time.
Initial consultations for self-pay patients are 60, 90 or 120 minutes in duration and include a specified follow-up communication period via secure email messaging.
If you would like to contact your insurance in advance to determine if services with South Bay Baby Care are reimbursable and what your policy's reimbursement rate it is, you may need to provide the following information:
South Bay Baby Care Nursing Services, Inc.
South Bay Baby Care NPI: 1023507597
Lisa Grossman RN, IBCLC NPI: 1669186441
South Bay Baby Care EIN/ Tax ID: 82-5139960
CA BRN Registered Nurse License Number: 827047
IBCLC ID: L-163653
For urgent requests: Please email lisa@southbaybabycare.com and write "URGENT" in the subject line. Please include the information requested above.
(Please note that I am offline while with patients & I respond within 24 hours in most cases).
**If you have a fever of 100.4 F or greater and/or have flu-like symptoms (body aches, chills, etc.), breast pain & redness, foul smelling discharge or excessive vaginal bleeding, please contact your OB-GYN immediately.
**If your infant has a fever of 100.4 F or higher or a temperature below 97.6 F, bloody stools, inadequate wet/dirty diapers, is projectile vomiting, vomiting excessively or is refusing to eat and is lethargic, please contact your Pediatrician immediately.
As a RN I can assist you with many concerns beyond lactation, breastfeeding & infant care; however, any serious concerns should be directed to a licensed physician first.
Credentials and scope of practice: I am a Mother/Baby Registered Nurse (RN), International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), CLC (Certified Lactation Counselor) and a CLEC (Certified Lactation Educator Counselor). I was trained to provide lactation & infant feedig support in 2015 and I have assisted many parents and newborns with the supportive services listed above both in the hospital setting and privately in-home. If your newborn requires interventions beyond my scope I will refer you to the appropriate practitioner.